15 – 30 minutes

A great first step to protecting your identity online!

If you’re in the middle of a job search, or just curious about what you’ll find, follow this guide to see what others can find about you online.

Digital Literacy
Employment and Careers
A close-up image of a person's using a smartphone.


More and more of our lives are being spent online. Work, school, and entertainment can all be experienced on the internet! This is great for accessibility, but it also means that more of your personal information can be found online. It’s good to know what others can find about you through a simple search. Follow the quick steps below to better manage your online presence:


  1. Create a private browser or make an incognito window in your preferred web browser
  2. Complete a Google search with your first and last name
  3. Look at the results in the first few pages of the web, image, and news results
  4. Take note of the pages and pictures you find. Because you’re in a private browser that doesn’t track your web history, this is likely what anyone can find about you online.
  5. Repeat the search with any other names/nicknames you might use online

Would you like to make some changes to what is found? Below are some quick steps you can take:

  • Make your social media pages private. Your page may still be found in a web search, but your content will only be visible to people you already know. Check the settings of your preferred social media platform to change your security settings.
  • Delete old online accounts. Your search may have pulled up accounts you made years ago. Don’t need that account anymore? Log in and delete it.
  • Avoid using your real name and image on social media. Try using nicknames, screennames, or initials to make yourself more difficult to identify.
  • Create a professional social media account. This account could use your real name but only display content that you would be okay with an employer or teacher finding.