Create a Chart to Track Your Daily Moods!
Discover the power of self-awareness by creating your very own mood tracker in any journal! This engaging activity helps you identify and understand your emotions, track mood patterns, and improve your mental well-being. Dive into the colorful world of self-expression and take the first step towards a happier, more balanced you!

How to Prepare:
Collect the following items before you begin:
- Journal or notebook
- Coloured pens or markers
- Ruler
Create your Mood Journal!
Step 1: Draw Your Monthly Calendar
Using your ruler, draw a grid in your journal to create a monthly calendar. Label each column with the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and each row with the date numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) as they fall for that month.
💡Activity Hack!
If you draw grids for multiple months, use stickers or drawings to decorate each month's header (January, February, etc.) with a matching theme (eg. Snow stickers for winter months or a Sun drawing for summer months).
Step 2: Create Your Mood Legend
On a separate part of the page, create a mood legend. Assign a different colour to each emotion you want to track (e.g., yellow for happy, blue for sad, red for anxious, green for excited).
💡Activity Hack!
Label your mood legend by drawing in mood faces, adding emoji stickers, or writing emotion words (happy, sad, anxious, etc.) on or beside each colour so you know which one to use each day.
Step 3: Track Daily
At the end of each day, reflect on your emotions. Colour in the corresponding day on your calendar with the color that represents your dominant emotion.
💡Activity Hack!
Add a notes section to jot down any significant events that influenced your mood. This can help provide context to your emotions.
Step 4: Analyze Your Patterns
After a few weeks, review your mood tracker to identify any patterns or trends. This insight can help you understand triggers and make positive changes.
Congratulations! Your Mood Tracker Journal is ready to use!
How it Works
Mood tracking is a powerful tool for enhancing self-awareness and emotional intelligence. By regularly recording your emotions, you can identify patterns, understand triggers, and take proactive steps to improve your mental well-being.
This activity is inspired by: