30 – 45 minutes

Unlock Flexibility and Focus with Teen Yoga

Introduce yourself to the world of yoga with this beginner-friendly sequence. Designed to open the body and mind through breathing and movement, this routine encourages awareness and relaxation. Perfect for managing stress, improving flexibility, and promoting overall well-being.

A teen girl practices yoga on a yoga mat

How to Prepare:

Collect the following items before you begin:

  • Yoga mat
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Water bottle
  • Quiet space

Note: Please consult a medical professional and/or a licensed yoga teacher or yoga therapist before starting any exercise regime, including yoga.


Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Time: 120s

Instructions: Perform two rounds of Sun Salutation, focusing on deep breathing and full body engagement.

Illustration of a woman doing a sun salutation yoga pose

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Time: 60s

Instructions: Sit with soles of the feet together, gently pressing knees towards the floor. Relax and hold for 6 breaths.

Illustration of a woman performing a bound angle yoga pose

Deer Pose (Mrigasana)

Time: 60s

Instructions: Sit with legs folded to one side, twist gently to the opposite side. Hold for 6 breaths.

Illustration of a woman in a deer yoga pose

Mermaid Side Stretch Pose

Time: 40s

Instructions: Sit with legs to one side, raise arms and stretch to the opposite side. Hold for 4 breaths.

Illustration of a woman in a mermaid side stretch yoga pose

Staff Pose (Dandasana)

Time: 60s

Instructions: Sit with legs extended forward, spine straight. Focus on breathing with awareness of spine movement. Hold for 6 breaths.

Illustration of a woman in a staff yoga pose

Repeat Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Time: 60s

Instructions: Repeat as above, adding OM chanting or Bee breathing for deeper relaxation.


Repeat Deer Pose (Mrigasana)

Time: 60s

Instructions: Repeat on the opposite side.


Repeat Mermaid Side Stretch Pose

Time: 40s

Instructions: Repeat on the opposite side, noting any differences in sensation.


Source: https://www.tummee.com/yoga-sequences/yoga-sequence-for-teens-introduction