Learning and Leadership


13+ years old
Approximately 2.5 hours to complete

Where will your leadership journey take you?

Be There Certificate

13+ years old
Approximately 2 hours

Ready to level up your leadership skills? Learn how to recognize when others are struggling with their mental health and how to support them well. Bonus: earn a resume-boosting certificate upon completion.

Jack.org in partnership with Born This Way Foundation.

I Am a Leader!

Get ready for your close up! Everyone has unique leadership skills within them—leadership is not just about taking centre stage, it’s about bringing your super skills to the places you are passionate. This video challenge is your opportunity to show us how you lead: Whether it’s helping friends, volunteering, or in the small choices you make every day. So grab your camera and let’s get started!  

Learning and Leadership
Learning and Leadership

Keystone Leadership

13+ years old
Approximately 2 hours to complete

Zoom in on your leadership to increase your impact.

Sponsored by: Government of Canada and Rogers.